Sarah Wickett
Can technology enabled care achieve the impossible?
The UK Telecare industry has spent 40+ years delivery a low-cost red button and box solution, worn as a badge of ageing or vulnerability, that generally reacts after the event to a crisis or concern that someone may need help. These decisions are often made with little or no information, in an analogue world. Corserv Care are transforming the way in which technology enabled care is used to meet the growing needs of the population, in an increasing data led, digital, world. Few would argue that TEC is a vital component in keeping people safe and independent at home. But TEC providers need to embrace the opportunities for change, and rather than spend finite resources on a straight replacement of analogue equipment with a digital base unit, doing what it has always done, and offer more than this reactive service. There is a need to use TEC differently and embrace innovation and the opportunities of digital equipment, in order to reduce hospital presentations and escalating social care needs. Corserv Care are proactively trialling new ways of working and digital technology in order to track “business as usual” and changes to living patterns and activity to prevent incidents occurring, personalising packages of TEC to deliver outcomes for the individual, and giving families and friends the information, they need to truly deliver the 40 year old promise of “peace of mind and “feeling safe and independent at home”
Speaker Bio:
Sarah is the Service Development Manager for Corserv Care, a company wholly owned by Cornwall Council with 18 years experience working in partnership with Adult Social Care, health and the voluntary sector within domiciliary care and reablement leadership. For the last two years, she has been overseeing the development of the Lifeline and Assisted Living Service.
17-Jul-2024Seminar 1Can technology enabled care achieve the impossible?