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cots25care awards

Westpoint Arena, Exeter - 16th July 2025

Supported by

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Adrian Scaife

Adrian Scaife

TEC Specialist, Access Group

Enabling Dynamic and Digital Care Delivery

Pressure continues to increase in the care sector.  Funding remains static, whilst the demands are growing.  There are increasing challenges in attracting and retaining staff alongside digital expectations coupled with the need to deliver high quality, compliant care.  In the session we will explore the direction of travel, how digital solutions can help support some of the challenges faced today and create the foundations for future growth.

Speaker Bio:

Adrian Scaife, TEC Specialist at The Access Group, is passionate about using technology-enabled care (TEC) services to deliver better quality and outcomes for people who draw on care, as well as the individuals and organisations who support them. At Access, Adrian is focused on how TEC can drive innovation in the sector and create a meaningful shift towards a preventative model.



Meet with over 2000 buyers and decision makers from the care industry!

The Care & Occupational Therapy Show has been running for 5 years. This year's event will include buyers from Care Homes, Domiciallary care companies, Care Groups, NHS, Trusts, Indivdual Carers, Individual Practitioners also. Attracting around 2000 visitors it will truly be a festival of business for the care community.

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Keynote Sponsor

clh healthcare


