Neater Solutions is recognised by health professionals and clients worldwide for the design, manufacture and supply of specialist eating and drinking systems for people who have difficulty in feeding themselves.
The company now supplies a range of complementary equipment with new products being sourced and designed all the time in order to give people greater independence, dignity and choice in their lives.
Our development is driven by a belief that solutions lie in good design and in the creation and influence of systems that enable people worldwide to access equipment.
Our products are distributed worldwide and range from Neater Eaters, enabling people to feed themselves, to Neater Buttons for easy switching.
The Neater Eater is probably our best-known product and is based on a modular system, ensuring that the equipment includes exactly the right features for the user or diner. We even offer a free home assessment (UK) so that you can be sure that it meets your needs before you decide to buy.
12 Burlington RoadBuxton
SK17 9AL
United Kingdom