96% of trainees (health and social care staff) Strongly Agree that Finding the Light in Dementia training has resulted in them delivering better Quality of Care that is Safer whilst feeling more Confident in their ability to Commuicate and Care with people living with all types of Dementia (independent evaluation conducted by Swansea University School of Business and Management).
The power of storytelling is evident in this training, it is creative inspirational and memorable.
" I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this training, it was educational and what had me really hooked was the fact that you delivered in such a person centred, dignified and compassionate way. I enjoyed listening to the individual stories, hearing about their experience of dementia and what is important to them.....I personally feel that this training should be mandatory for any person workingin the field of dementia....thank you Jane for developing such an inspirational training package in dementia care" Sandra Burrell, Practice Development Nurse
DUETcare Ltd hosts Finding the Light in Dementia Training. Created by Dementia Nurse Consultant Dr Jane M Mullins who has over 30 years experience in dementia care. This includes supporting people and their loved ones through diagnosis and beyond in the Memory Clinics of Bath and Cardiff, nursing in hospital (acute medicine and care of older adults wards) and helping people maintain a good quality of life in residential care when managing a Care Home.
Her research experience includes managing the clinical trials for the first licensed drug for Alzheimer's disease; donepezil, rivastigmine, memantine and galantamine and supporting Psychologists in their PhD research. Her own PhD - A Suitcase of Memories used sensory ethnography to explore multisensory ways to communicate and connect with people living with moderate dementia.
Jane has also taught Ageing and Dementia related subjects at Masters and Undergraduate level in Swansea University, Open University and Cardiff Metropolitan University and is passionate about supporting learners to care for themselves whilst developing professionally.
Finding the Light in Dementia Training is co produced with people living with dementia, carers and leading professionals and researchers in the field. It is up to date, evidence based and provides engaging, inspiring and informative resources through film, storytelling, audios and animations. This is delivered via an e learning platform, online webinars, study days and face to face sessions and masterclasses.
United Kingdom